Thursday, December 30, 2010

Step 5

We are moving to test and validation phase (Step 5). As I said, please report any bugs or errors.

Step 4 - completed

We can confirm that the project is completed (beta version). We are moving to test phase. Please report any bugs found. After testing we start to write the presentation and the docs.
Good luck and a Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bug fixed

I fixed a bug that Costi reported me, that is when we try to access records (courses/topics/exercises) in the database while it is empty (thus displaying null values);

Monday, December 13, 2010

Step 4

Next milestone: student functionality. We expect to finish it in one week so we can finish the project before holidays.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Step 3, continuation

I made a mistake in the previous post, that is the teacher functionalities are developed in step 3, not step 4 as I wrote in the title;

So, we continue the development of the teacher functionalities at Step 3;

I added two more options: Add exercise and View exercises; I'm attaching few screen-shots of them:

Add Exercise feature:

-press "Add exercise" link in the left part of the sidebar;

- Select a Course and press "Next";

- Select a topic and press again "Next";

- Compete the form and press "Create exercise" button;

View exercise feature

- Select a Course from the left part of the sidebar

- Select a Topic and press "Show exercise" ;

- The exercises available for the corresponding Topic will be displayed;

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Step 4

We added two more features to the teacher functionality, that is the possibility of adding a new topic to a certain course and the option of visualizing the topics of a course;

I'm attaching below few screen shots of this "update":

View courses:

By pressing the "Add topic" button the user must fill the form

By pressing the "View topic" link in the left-side the user must select a topic,

then the topics for that specific course are displayed.

If you have any suggestions ...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Step 3

Teacher functionality under development ...

Also some useful tutorials are attached on Delicious page: - JSP Tutorial - FileUpload tutorial in Servlet

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Step 2

Admin functionality fully implemented.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Project's diagrams were uploaded here:
We expect to finish them until Tuesday.

LE: Appendix A: Reputation system algorithm was added at the end of SRS page on wiki.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Database Design

The database design of the project can be found here:

It is open for suggestions.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Project specifications

Software requirements specification document is available on Team4 wiki page:

Friday, October 15, 2010

The project

Web-based exercise sharing tool with reputation system - The goal is to create a web based
application for e-learning, in which students can share solutions to exercises and vote the
solutions proposed by other students. The students earn points for quality solutions and thus
reach higher status in the learning community (simple reputation system).

You can find more details regarding the assignment in this paper.

Development team:

1. Constantin Vetezi
2. Oana Cismaru
3. Mihaita Rosioru
4. Dragos Predatu

Our page: